Life Enrichment Seminars

Our Mission: To help people live happier lives

Readings, Seminars, and Classes 

We are here to assist you in enhancing the quality of your life

Richard and Fran

Richard and Frances D’Angelo

We Offer:

Courses Offered
Community Ed. Classes

A Message from Richard and Frances

Co-founders of Life Enrichment Seminars

We started Life Enrichment Seminars back in 1994 as an organization dedicated to the personal development of people everywhere.

We came to this partnership with different talents. Frances has been clairsentient, clairvoyant, and clairaudient since childhood. With these talents she has been able to give intuitive readings to assist people with their personal issues. In addition she leads special classes focused on healing the Earth and the ascension of mankind.

Richard has been a teacher since 1967 and by 1988 has dedicated his talents to enhancing his student’s lives through an understanding of the true nature of reality and our influential place in it. He teaches metaphysics, different types of meditation, and has been a publicized Tarot Reader for decades.

We have combined our talents in teaching such classes as Belief Change and plan to continue our partnership in offering new exciting classes in the future.